TMJ/TMD Syndrome (Jaw Pain)
What is TMD/TMJ Syndrome?
The American Academy of Orofacial Pain has classified temporomandibular disorder (TMD) as a collection of symptoms that involve the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), or “jaw” and surrounding structures (facial muscles, ligaments, teeth, ears, neck, etc.)
Symptoms often include pain in the TMJ joint, face or jaw pain, ear pain, ringing in ears, dizziness, headache, joint sounds, muscle pain, neck pain and limited opening of the mouth.
It is often caused by myofascial pain, internal derangement of the jaw joint or degenerative joint disease of the jaw joint. Muscles of the jaw, neck and shoulders are often contributors to the symptoms.
What kind of treatment will I get?
Physical therapists may use a variety of treatments to reduce your pain and improve your function depending on your condition.
Common treatment interventions include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and education. We may also use a number of other treatment modalities depending on your condition.
Therapists at Orthopedic Physical Therapy Associates LLC stay up to date on the newest techniques to treat TMD.